NAMG saw latter news yesterday that we found quite was a sponsored analyst rpt that went into interesting detail on why this stock is likely to head higher....In fact it became more and more interesting the more we read.....
Below are excerpts from recent newsletters we sent at on 7/18 and 7/19
NAMG Corporate Update - North American Oil and Gas Corporation (the “Company” or “NAMG”) is pleased to provide the following Corporate Update Business Wire11:37am EDT
NAMG 11:39am EDT 0.945 -0.005 -0.53% 36,185
Stock becoming a little more interesting after that outside report we read (see yesterdays newsletter)....
NAMG holds an historically validated
ten-fold profit potential and here's why I feel
highly confident in making that projection:
Coincidental with all these developments, I know an experienced team of oil patch veterans, Bob Rosenthal and his investors, who have also locked in San Joaquin leases.
Their company, North American Oil & Gas (NAMG), backed by serious financing, has made impressive strides in building company lease assets.
To date, North American Oil & Gas has accumulated 8,000 gross acres in the area, just a thousand acres shy of the Occidental Petroleum (OXY) acquisitions reported by the Ventura County Star.
Should NAMG become the home run I'm predicting, it won't be the first time that Bob has hit one out of the park for shareholders.
A few years back, they co-founded American Oil & Gas, a very similar OTCBB stock that caught the eye of a few lucky investors who loaded up early at around $1.00 a share. It graduated to the NYSE AMEX and...
In just 48 months, energy giant, Hess Corp. (NYSE: HES $22.7B) bought out the entire company for $630 million in cash! Shareholders received $10 per share from Hess....
.Debate back above one...
Chart forNorth American Oil & Gas Corp. (NAMG)
comments from yesterday on stock:
Stock Analyzer:
NAMG moving on report....excerpt below
North American Oil & Gas Corp. (NAMG)-OTC BB
0.98 Up 0.06(5.98%) 1:31PM EDT
Southern California is entering the early stages of an oil
boom unlike any we've seen in our lifetimes. Here's what's taking shape:
This map published by the U.S. Geological Survey shows the extent of this recently assayed San Joaquin Basin oil field. USGS calculates it could hold four-times the oil found in America's Bakken. North American Oil & Gas (NAMG) acquired a significant position in this field, which makes it one of the best entry-level energy buys I've seen in my career.
The U.S. Geological Survey recently confirmed that southern California holds four times the oil in the Bakken. My new report, now online, provides the map and details. (You can access that report below.)
Big Oil is already moving in using secret companies to scoop up enormous land positions. My report also explains how $72.1 Billion NYSE Oil giant Occidental Petroleum used a secret cover company to acquire thousands of acres in new leases.
My report also focuses on one small off-radar oil company, North American Oil & Gas (NAMG), that got in early and staked a huge position ahead of the crowds. In my report I discuss how NAMG could see its stock soar ten-fold…even before this boom hits its peak!
Should this situation shape up for investors like it did in the Bakken, NAMG shareholders could see an enormous payday in the not-so-distant future.
What's more, despite being off-radar, NAMG is already in the big-money-game.
The management team behind - NAMG - recently hit a 1,000% home run for shareholders of their previous oil company, which was sold to oil giant HESS for $630 million!
This was once a small oil company exactly like NAMG today, which they graduated from the OTCBB to the NYSE AMEX and most importantly made its shareholders a fortune!
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